Greek and Hebrew intensive language courses online

June 27, 2022 - August 19, 2022
June 27–August 19, 2022. (Course start and end times unknown; Eastern Time)
Cost for external (non-degree) students: $4,500 for 6 semester credits NO APPLICATION FEE $750 payment due after admission to confirm placement in the program (before June 1) - nonrefundable $3,750 payment due by the first day of the course to officially enroll (before June 27) - 50% refundable up to July 1 ($1,875 refundable if officially withdrawn by July 1; no refunds after July 1)

These eight-week summer courses are now open to non-degree students! They cover the equivalent of a full year of language study in the span of 8 weeks and count for six credits. Summer language will meet daily, Monday through Friday from June 27–August 19, 2022. Greek and Hebrew will be offered in both online and hybrid formats that will include self-paced, independent work integrated with daily, live small group sessions that are punctuated by weekly enrichment gatherings with the whole class online. Learn More

Application Deadline: Priority Deadline, May 1; Final Deadline, May 25 (rolling admission, upon availability)

Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least one year of bachelor’s level coursework at the time of admission, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Unofficial copies of your transcript(s) showing undergraduate and any relevant graduate coursework completed for credit, must be uploaded directly to the online application.