The devotional poetry of the seventeenth century is famous for its impeccable artistry and devotional power. Expand your heart and mind as you contemplate works from three of this era’s best-loved devotional poets: John Donne, George Herbert, and Anne Bradstreet. Explore Puritan piety, spiritual conflict, and divine love through Donne’s “Holy Sonnets,” Herbert’s “The Temple,” …
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Current Course Schedule, Stevenson School of Ministry
The link provided here should take you to the current course listing, along with the various training pathways where courses can be combined to offer different kinds of certification.
Church History: Anglican Identity
In this course, students will explore Anglican identity by practicing spiritual disciplines associated with key luminaries in the Anglican tradition. Students will be invited to pray Matins from Thomas Cranmer’s first prayer book, read the poetry of George Herbert and John Donne, sing the hymns of Charles Wesley, study Scripture with William Temple, practice contemplation with Evelyn Underhill, lament with C.S. Lewis and Desmond …
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Anglican Pastoral Theology
This course is for all pastoral caregivers, for those who are fulfilling a call to tend to the sick, and those who make pastoral visitations in your congregation. This 10-week course will be taught by Jay Geisler on Wednesday nights from 7-8PM, starting on May 25. This course will be conducted weekly on Zoom. Class …
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Living a Life of Forgiving: Honoring the Life, Ministry and Legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu–Not for credit
Our sense of “being” is grounded in a healthy self-esteem and satisfaction with our lives. These can be burdened by our feeling wounded with hidden grief and mourning. Today’s uncertainty and anxiety make it even more difficult for us to engage in self-care, and to theologically frame our understanding of self-care as something positive and …
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Jonathan Edwards, Race, and Slavery–Not for credit
This course will explore the views and practices of British-American theologian, revivalist, and missionary Jonathan Edwards on race and slavery in the contexts of the “vast Americas” in general and of colonial New England in particular, showing the growth of African slavery and the slave trade, biblical and theological justifications for them, and evolving racial …
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Anglican History & Theology
Modern Anglican identity is the product of a fascinating, oft-neglected history. Meet the people and explore the events—from early roots right up to the recent GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) movement—that have shaped the Anglican Church. Examine the core convictions, contentions, and concerns that have contributed to its theology, and read works from a variety …
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Episcopal and Anglican Studies at Candler
This page links to a specialization within their MDiv program as well as to what seems to be a stand-alone certificate program. In March of 2023 it was announced that Chandler would be offering a hubrid Master of Divinity program (most courses online and 5 short courses in-person). See
Sacramental Theology
Registration is now open for the Center for Anglican Learning and Leadership’s Winter 2022 session. CALL offers a selection of seven-week online continuing education courses for laypeople and clergy. The Winter 2022 session runs January 17 to March 7. This course will explore sacramental theology through the lens of the Episcopal Church and, specifically, how …
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Images of Diakonia: Interpreting the Sacred in Church and the World
Registration is now open for the Center for Anglican Learning and Leadership’s Winter 2022 session. CALL offers a selection of seven-week online continuing education courses for laypeople and clergy. The Winter 2022 session runs January 17 to March 7. Diaconal ministry has at its heart connecting Christian scripture and tradition with the needs, hopes and …
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