How do you lead an organization stuck between an ending and a new beginning—when the old way of doing things no longer works but a way forward is not yet clear? Such in-between times are called liminal seasons—threshold times when the continuity of tradition disintegrates and uncertainty about the future fuels doubt and chaos. In a liminal season it simply is not helpful to pretend we understand what needs to happen next. But leaders can still lead.
Liminal seasons call for a different kind of leadership presence, one that connects the soul of leaders with the soul of the institution.
Learning outcomes:
Enter a three-way conversation engaging God, the soul of the leader, and the soul of the institution.
Explore three fundamental shifts in orientation that invite a more soulful leadership presence: from knowing to unknowing; from advocating to attending; from striving to surrender.
Understand four bodies of work that connect the soul of the leader with the soul of the institution: clarifying vocation & values, shaping institutional memory, deepening group discernment and engaging emergence.
Examine the leadership challenges and opportunities inherent in liminal seasons.
How It Works
Join Susan Beaumont and an engaged cohort live online for these weekly learning activities:
Watch pre-recorded lecture by Susan Beaumont.
Each week, you’ll engage Susan’s high-impact content in the form of a pre-recorded video lecture on your own time.
Complete an assigned exercise/reflection.
Some of these assignments will be individual reflections. Others will encourage you to facilitate a group dialogue in your context.
Join the instructor for a one-hour live video conference.
Each live session will include guided prayer/meditation, small group breakouts, and large group Q&A with Susan Beaumont.
Make meaningful connections with leaders like you.
You’re not the only one struggling to figure out what comes next. Here, you’ll join an entire cohort of faithful leaders asking the same questions you are!
Seminar Leader
Susan Beaumont has consulted with more than 100 congregations and denominational bodies across the United States and Canada. Before establishing her own practice, Susan worked for nine years with the Alban Institute. She is known for engaging the best of business practice, filtered through the lens of careful theological reflection. She moves easily between discernment and decision making, and nurtures the soul of the leader along with the soul of the institution.