Confronting the Wild, Boundary Waters, Northern Minnesota

July 16, 2017 - July 21, 2017
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN

Confronting the Wild, Boundary Waters, Northern Minnesota

July 16-21, 2017 Leadership

In the biblical narrative, the wilderness is an important setting for God’s leaders, as well as a transformative motif for divine interaction. Confronting the Wild is a one-week continuing education and call-renewal event for ordained clergy and commissioned leaders focused on examining biblical wilderness as a geography, a psychology and a theology. Confronting the Wild combines learning, worship, fellowship and recreation in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) of Northern Minnesota.

This course invites rostered leaders to explore the wilderness as a geography, a psychology and a theology for leadership. By being immersed in the wilderness, leaders explore the oddly inspiring relationship between uncertainty and renewal. Teaching and focused dialogue will explore how God’s leaders lead in the midst of that relationship.

Learning emphasis will be placed on:

  • A biblical theology of wilderness and leadership
  • Developing a biblical basis for leading in the midst of uncertainty
  • Exploring the psychological/spiritual wilderness of call-discernment and call-reinvestment
  • Self-discovery and self-care
  • Guided theological discussion of wilderness issues directly affecting the context of course participants

Participants will engage in activities necessary for a guided sojourn through the forests, lakes, burn-down areas and rivers that make up BWCAW. Paddling, portaging, hiking, camping, meditation, fellowship and worship will highlight the activities for this course. The Exodus wilderness journey, Jesus’ many returns to the wilderness, and several other biblical narratives in which the wilderness takes center stage, will parallel this sojourn and offer biblical guidance during travel. Learners will participate in a 30-minute phone conversation with course instructor 6-8 weeks prior to course.

Participant is responsible for transportation to starting point.

Tuition includes: Meals and outfitting

Maximum enrollment: 8





Tuition: $840

Contact Hours: 26

Class Times:

One-week long retreat, participants gather Sunday evening for first session and packing. Group returns Friday evening.

Seminar Leaders:

Gerd Bents has served as interim pastor, head of staff, and transition specialist for NW Synod of Wisconsin and St. Paul Area Synods. He specializes in mission redevelopment, leadership during conflict and the ministry of transition.

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Leadership