Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality 2016 Fall Term

September 19, 2016 - November 28, 2016

Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality

OSTS Courses for the year 2016/2017

 Fall Term 2016 (September 19 – November 28, 2016)

First-hour courses (7:30 – 8:20 p.m.)

Course A: Beyond Words: Embodied Prayer
Rev. Hilary Anne Murray, Anglican priest (Parish of Fitzroy Harbour), clinical social worker and liturgical dancer

Sacred dance has told the story of the human spirit since before recorded time. This course explores the
sacred art of movement and dance through history, cultures and faith expressions. While focusing on the
Judeo/Christian experience – past and present – we will use group discussions, presentations, books,
videos and experiential opportunities to explore how we connect physically to God.

Course B: Welcoming the Stranger: Responding to the Refugee Crisis
Martha Wiebe, retired Carleton University faculty member, and Dennis Gruending, writer and former MP

This course will look at the nature of the current global refugee crisis and the response from faith groups,
government and local communities. Various people involved in addressing health, legal and other
settlement issues will be invited guests. We will also hear from newcomers about their experiences in

Course C: Life-giving Spirituality: An Exploration of Process Theology
Rev. Dr. George Hermanson, United Church minister and Director of The Madawaska Institute for Religion and Culture

Religious language is being questioned. We are perplexed about whether there is truth to our claims.
Process thought offers a way to help religion explore and voice beliefs in a way that they can have a
transforming impact on both the individual and society. This course will examine new ways to understand
faith language, rituals and symbols to ground our faith.


Second-hour courses (8:40 – 9:30 p.m.)


Course D: The Celtic Saints: The Celtic Christian Tradition
Rev. Steve Clifton, minister (Rideau Park United Church)

Today, Celtic prayer and theology resonates deeply with us through its emphasis on creation’s sacredness
and the presence of God. Celtic Christianity is in part a product of personality. We will study this
resurgent faith tradition through an examination of eight Celtic saints and the places they called home.
The lives of Patrick, Brigid and Brendan will be among the lives reflected upon.

Course E: Orthodox Christianity
Fr. Maxym Lysack, Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church

This course will examine the history, beliefs, worship and spirituality of Orthodox Christianity. It begins
with a general introduction to the history of the Church during the post-Constantinian era and the division
between the Christian East and West. Subsequent lectures will focus on themes in Orthodox liturgical
life, spirituality and doctrine. The course will end with an introduction to the theology of icons.

Course F: 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Letters to a Church in Crisis
Rev. Dr. Graeme Carruth, United Church minister, Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain

In trying to ground ourselves in what the Bible says, Christians struggle with how to draw meaningful
inspiration from letters written by and to people who knew nothing of our current reality. Discover how
these two letters can add depth to our Christian lives, while also providing a means of dealing faithfully
with passages that seem to oppose our basic Christian principles.

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Theology