Writing the Mind Alive
Lara Gerstein and Ann Mullen

Proprioceptive Writing® (PW) is a method for exploring the psyche through writing. Easy enough for anyone to learn, PW is practiced to Baroque music in 25-minute sessions, alone or in groups, under conditions that are designed to promote relaxation and reflection. Through a process we call “Inner Hearing,” PW teaches you to listen to your thoughts with empathy and curiosity and to reflect on them in writing. Frequently reported benefits include:
~ deepened powers of attention
~ increased self-confidence and self-trust
~ greater intimacy and spontaneity in relationships
~ enhanced emotional health
~ creative breakthroughs
~ awakened spirituality.
PW is also valuable to people who wish to write for an audience and for writers facing impediments to their work. It returns you to the pleasures of pure process, reminding you of why you wanted to write to begin with. Through practice you get personal with your subject matter. Over time you collect a rich storehouse of raw material that you can draw on for your writing projects.
It would be very helpful to read Writing the Mind Alive, The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voice, by Linda Trichter Metcalf, Ph.D and Tobin Simon, Ph.D. Writing the Mind Alive is available online and through your local bookstore.
Writing the Mind Alive is being co-taught by Lara Gerstein and Ann Mullen, who have been certified by Linda Trichter Metcalf, the originator of Proprioceptive Writing to teach PW.
Lara Gerstein has been practicing Proprioceptive Writing for over 20 years and has been teaching in New York City for the last four. As she deepens her PW practice, she continues to work in the field of dance/movement education and somatics. Lara lives in NYC and is currently studying Body Mind Centering and Yoga.
Ann Mullen was first introduced to PW in 1990 at Omega Institute. After retiring from a career as a diversity director at a major corporation, she studied with Linda to become certified to teach PW. Since then, she has taught PW near her home in Saranac Lake, NY, in New Jersey and via conference call classes. She is currently revising her novel, To Each Her Own. www.annmunroemullen.com
Cost $375 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition