Silent Retreat – March 2015

March 6, 2015 - March 8, 2015
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris ON


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Are you searching in your spiritual journey? Do you experience an emptiness longing to be filled? Are you struggling with one of life’s big questions and need to gift yourself with some peace and quiet? Are you curious about spiritual practices?

Whether you are discerning, seeking or are simply in need of some rest and renewal, you are invited to come and deepen your spiritual journey in the quiet of a Five Oaks Silent Retreat.

The program offers lots of time for silence, in which you can be present to Divine Presence and to your own soul.  A silent retreat is about experiencing stillness. The retreat allows us to simply ‘be’ and offers a space to attend to the spirit within. Silence can be welcoming… comforting… freeing… healing… inspiring. Silence offers a safe place to experience our emotions, to reflect, to remember. Silent retreats allow time for inner growth.

Every aspect of the retreat is invitational, which means that you are free to choose how you will spend your time during the retreat. Five Oaks also offers good food and comfortable accommodation.

The retreat is open to everyone, whether or not you come from a particular faith tradition. Spiritual direction is available. There are no expectations other than being yourself. Come and experience the Spirit, nurture your soul and treat yourself to some healing silence.

Leadership for these retreats is offered by the Five Oaks Listening Ministry Team. These spiritual guides come from a variety of backgrounds and training. Their practice is shaped by guidelines and expectations developed for this specific ministry by Five Oaks and by the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct as published by Spiritual Directors International.

Spiritual accompaniment, also known as spiritual direction, is the practice of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with the Divine, or to learn and grow in their own personal spirituality. The person seeking direction shares stories of their encounters of the divine, or how they are experiencing spiritual issues. The spiritual guide listens and asks questions to assist the one being guided in their process of reflection and spiritual growth.

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Silent Retreat – March

Start: Mar 6, 2015 @ 7:00 PM
End: Mar 8, 2015 @ 3:00 PM
Cost: $265.00

includes meals and accommodation.

Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.


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Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spirituality