Mondays, 17 September – 28 November 2012
(No class on Thanksgiving Monday, 08 October 2012)
8:40 pm to 9:30 pm
C. Roman Catholicism
Fr. Joseph B. Gavin, S.J., Historical Theologian, Jesuit Community Ottawa
This course will examine the Roman Catholic Church?s thought and practices as developed over the centuries: A general over-view of historical variations in Catholicism; liturgical rites and practices; the sacraments; the Reformation; authority in the Catholic Church; Ecumenical councils; pious practices; modern Catholic Social Teaching; the Second Vatican Council.
D. Religions and Philosophies of the East
Noel Salmond, PhD, Associate Professor, College of the Humanities, Carleton University
This series examines the religious and philosophical traditions of South and East Asia. These traditions are no longer a distant or exotic Other – they are in our midst and practiced by our neighbours. Includes study of dominant ideas and practices, historical developments, and the impacts on North American culture
E. Romans: Letter from a Guy Passing Through
Rev. Stanley J. T. Hanna, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Aylmer
Two decades into his missionary work Paul writes a letter to Christians in Rome. He has startling news! After planting churches in the East he is heading to Spain and hopes to stop in Rome. What is he up to?