Research Methods for Social Impact

Coady International Institute (The)

Increasingly, the importance of community-led innovation and research is being recognized by funders and other stakeholders as important to the resiliency and sustainability of communities and community-based organizations. This perception is rooted in the growing body of evidence supporting the importance of the community’s voice at the table when creating programs and policies that have …
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Who is Jesus (NT II)

Wycliffe College

An introduction to a portion of the New Testament: 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Peter, Hebrews and Revelation. The guiding question of the course is: ‘Who is Jesus?’  This course functions as the second half of the Wycliffe introduction to the New Testament, or it can be taken on its own. …
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Resource Development for Local Churches and Community-Based Non-Profits

Wycliffe College

Summary: When we answer the call of leadership to an NGO, a community-based non-profit or a local church, we accept the responsibility to raise the necessary financial resources to fulfill its mission. This course focuses on learning and applying resource development good practices within local churches and community-based non- profits. Its premise is that any …
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Jeremiah: Sorrow Beyond Healing

Wycliffe College

Summary: This course on the Book of Jeremiah will examine the book’s content and themes, giving particular attention to reading through the lens of trauma studies with a wide variety of voices past and present, including global voices. We will focus on select passages with a view to using the text in the life of …
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Introduction to Christian Apologetics

Wycliffe College

This course is an introduction to Christian apologetics and its relationship to evangelism. The course will teach the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of Christian apologetics. Additionally, the course will serve as a primer of cultural exegesis and cultural hermeneutics, the goal of which is to equip students with the critical analytical tools to engage …
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Greek and Hebrew intensive language courses online

Princeton Theological Seminary

These eight-week summer courses are now open to non-degree students! They cover the equivalent of a full year of language study in the span of 8 weeks and count for six credits. Summer language will meet daily, Monday through Friday from June 27–August 19, 2022. Greek and Hebrew will be offered in both online and hybrid formats …
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Ministry from the Inside Out

Credence and Co.

“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” (William O’Brien) Is this true? If it is, it could be read to say, “The success of a church depends on the interior condition of its leadership.” How are we as leaders (whether paid or lay) – attending to our interior journeys …
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Construct: Forum on Youth Ministry

Princeton Theological Seminary

Our theme for the 2022 Forum event is “Construct.” Many of the foundations on which we’ve built our youth ministries have shifted beneath our feet. In the wake (or in the midst) of uncertainty, how is God leading us to construct resilient ministries with young people? What constructs still need to die or be torn …
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Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

Are you travelling on the winding path of grief? The grief journey is a winding path with many twists and turns filled with a multitude of emotions. There is no road map and at times we feel we have lost our way. Grief is a process, an unending long and winding road. This retreat is …
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Loving and Respecting Yourself

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

Respecting and loving yourself does not make you conceited or self-centered. It is about achieving a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. It is about making the right decisions and taking the right steps when it comes to your life. This Workshop will guide you with tools on how to begin this process. We will …
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