What Next for the Church?

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

The Covid pandemic has raised new questions about the future of Christian ministry in a changing world. This interactive one-day conference is an opportunity to explore strategies for adaptive change in a new environment. The focus will be on connecting congregations with their local contexts, building inter-cultural community, and responding to ministry environments marked by …
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Lay Leadership in Worship

Anglican Diocese of British Columbia

Leading the Liturgy of the Word The Diocese of Islands and Inlets is presenting a 7-week course from mid-September to mid-November 2022 designed to equip lay leaders. The course will provide the skills and resources for laity to lead worship services, Morning and Evening Prayer and the Liturgy of the Word (a church service without …
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Building Intentional Small Groups

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Small groups can be added to your congregation for deeper connection. This training will share how to develop or revitalize this ministry! About this event Facilitator training for creating an intentional small group ministry in your congregation The purpose of an intentional, faith-based, small group is to build trusting relationships with God and one another. …
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Unshaken Kingdom: Disruption, Transformation and the Accessible Church

New Leaf Network

The challenges of the past few years now present an opportunity… Join New Leaf Network, Christian Horizons, and the Alliance Canada for a one-day conference tuning into and celebrating God’s work in the midst of disruption. We will hear from people with disabilities, pastors, theologians and each other about becoming more accessible and welcoming spaces …
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The Christian Gospel and Popular Culture

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Jesus Christ preached and embodied a message of good news—what Christians call the gospel. This course is an introduction to where that gospel message is present—and where it is absent—in the popular culture of modern-day North America. By examining contemporary movies, books, music, and other cultural sources, students will learn more about the gospel message …
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Practical Preaching: From Preparation to Proclamation

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

John 20:18 tells us that “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord’; and she told them that he had said these things to her.” In this, Mary is the first evangelist, the first to proclaim the resurrected Christ. In other words, she was the first preacher. Preaching doesn’t need …
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Event Based Ministry: A Workshop for Leaders

Anglican Diocese Of Montreal (The)

We know that events are impactful to our ministry endeavours. But hosting them can be daunting. You are invited to a workshop where we will unlock the mystery of events, why they matter and how to implement in your context. Hosted by the Diocese of Montreal with special guests from other Dioceses. All registrants will …
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Indigenous Women in Leadership

Coady International Institute (The)

Applications for this course are open to First Nations (status or non-status), Métis, and Inuit participants residing in Canada only.  Click here to apply  Click here for downloadable PDF Indigenous women traditionally held places of honour, respect, and leadership within their families and communities as our advisors and caretakers of life, lands, and …
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Feminist Leadership For Justice, Equity and Ecology

Coady International Institute (The)

Women leaders across the globe are dealing with dispossession from resources, capabilities, and a form of discursive ‘development’ which is deeply rooted in a capitalist and patriarchal order. In the current milieu – as women leaders face further marginalization, cultural exclusivity, and the Covid-19 pandemic – we offer this online discourse hinged on power, patriarchy, …
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Future of Work and Workers

Coady International Institute (The)

The unprecedented convergence of the forces of globalization, urbanization, changing demographics, and climate change are already fundamentally changing the way we live and work. While the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics have improved productivity and efficiency and increased convenience, they have raised concerns over the number of jobs being lost due to …
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