This course introduces students to the art of biblical exegesis and interpretation. It is designed to help students gain confidence in text analysis, become self-critically aware of the challenges and opportunities of reading the Bible in modern contexts, and consider the ongoing relevance of Scripture for the Christian life while remaining open to the work …
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Current Course Schedule, Stevenson School of Ministry
The link provided here should take you to the current course listing, along with the various training pathways where courses can be combined to offer different kinds of certification.
Biblical Hermeneutics and Criticism
The past several hundred years have seen widely varied approaches to reading the Bible arise, which can challenge the very identity of the Christian Church, much less our ability to read together. The emergence of new critical methods and perspectives with respect to Bible-reading has affected people’s trust in the Bible as well as their …
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Introduction to Preaching and Worship
Preaching Preaching has, all too often, been taught either as a detached expository process with little critical reflection on culture and mission, or else as an attractional approach that spares little time for scripture. Both paradigms tend to produce preaching that is individualistic and rationalistic. This course explores another way: a missional approach to preaching …
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The Uses of Scripture in Theology: Examining Slavery, Sexuality, and Male-Female Relations in Light of Divine Love
Why do Christians professing a high view of biblical authority appeal to the same biblical texts and arrive at conclusions widely at variance with one another on theological and ethical issues? What accounts for such disagreements? This course offers a theological framework through which we will look at various interpretations of the Bible, evaluating claims and …
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What Is the Gospel? Implications for Preaching, Worship & Discipleship
What is the gospel, the ‘good news’ by and about Jesus of Nazareth? One of the presuppositions of this course is that although many who believe the gospel can answer the question to a significant degree, most of us have yet to fully appreciate just how ‘massive’ the gospel is. Thus we will seek to …
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Preachers helping preachers.
Strong preaching is often identified as a reason for participation in weekly worship. And yet, the demands of weekly sermon preparation on top of other responsibilities is a heavy load for pastors to carry alone. Be part of the Sustaining the Preaching Life Program to be renewed through vocational friendships and a fresh look at the weekly sermon. 1. …
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La prédication et l’identité chrétienne dans un monde en mutation
Et si on remplaçait, dans nos prédications, le mot salut par le mot identité ? La société nous dicte: « sois toi-même, deviens qui tu es ! ». Or plus nous devons être « original » et plus nous devenons tous pareils, soumis au devoir de paraître et de produire, de faire commerce de notre …
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Introduction to Greek Exegesis
This is what is called an “asynchronous” course, meaning that it can be viewed and interacted with at any time during the term. However, consult the course and the person responsible for it, as there may be set assignment times or dates. “BL 522-CL Introduction to Greek Exegesis (3) A continuation of the study of …
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Calvin Symposium on Worship 2023
Join the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship for worship and learning together around topics connected to Christian public worship. This ecumenical conference will gather together worshipers from across Canada, the US, and beyond bring together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, …
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