Behold The Light Of The World

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by The Rev. Carl Arrico Tuesday, November 13 – Sunday, November 18 A Centering Prayer retreat in order to help prepare you for the Advent season. Led by one of Contemplative Outreach’s most well-known leaders and guides. The Guest House will be in silence for this retreat and will be an excellent atmosphere for …
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Brush With God – Icon Painting

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by The Rev. Peter Pearson, OSB Tuesday, November 6 – Friday, November 9 For over twenty five years, Peter Pearson has been teaching others to paint icons using the classic techniques of Byzantine iconography. In each workshop there is a focus on the four fold way of iconographers: technique, history, theology, and prayer. Each …
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Sweet Roman Hand – A Calligraphy Workshop

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by Brother Roy Parker Tuesday, October 30 to Friday, November 2 Shakespeare’s phrase for Italic handwriting in his comedy “Twelfth Night” indicates that the English aristocracy of his day retained Italian writing masters to teach them the newly developed script of the Italian Renaissance. Is your inner aristocrat yearning for expression? This workshop in …
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NEW! Contemplative Days – Praying Along-Side the Monastic Community

Holy Cross Monastery

Tuesday, October 23 – Friday, October 26 A completely silent time with the monks as we observe our Autumn “Contemplative Days.” During this period we are in complete silence, no programs or spiritual direction are offered and there is a reduced worship schedule (Matins, Eucharist and Vespers). This will be limited to 15 guests who …
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Prayerful Stitches – Co-Creation in Yarn & Needles

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by Brothers Bernard and Julian Thursday, October 18 – Sunday, October, 21 Join us for the New York Sheep and Wool Festival and a prayerful focus on being mindful and intentional in our yarn work. Bring your own stitching material and technique of choice (knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, etc). Cost: $390, deposit: $80

The Greenest of Branches – Saint Hildegard of Bingen; Mystic and Prophet

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by Sister Hildegard Pleva, OSsR Wednesday, October 10, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Hildegard of Bingen, a medieval mystic known as Prophetess of the Rhine, long canonized by the people, will receive the official designation of saint in the Roman Catholic Church in October of this year. Her reputation as visionary, naturalist, playwright, poet …
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Guide Us Into the Way of Peace – The Contemplative Life and Non-Violence

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by Brother James Dowd Tuesday, October 2 to Friday, October 5 Explore, in the context of community, the unity of living life in a contemplative and non-violent way. We will spend time together in silent meditation, the monastic cycle of prayer, discussion, and study with the purpose of living more fully into a contemplative …
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Telling Our Stories – A Retreat for Episcopal Youth Workers

Holy Cross Monastery

Led by Jennifer Gamber Tuesday, September 25 to Friday, September 28 This 6th annual retreat for youth workers, led by singer-songwriter Fran McKendree and author Jenifer Gamber, will provide a place for youth workers to find spiritual rest and nourishment within the fixed-hour Benedictine daily prayer. This year we will explore salvation history as recounted …
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Creative Sacred Art

Loyola House

Creative Sacred Art 8-Day Retreat Facilitated by Sister Virginia Varley, C.S.J., Sister Grace Sauve, C.S.J., and Father Roger Yaworski, S.J. For those who are looking for a new or different way of praying. In this retreat you pray through the art you create. This can lead to a deep intimacy with God. There is consultation …
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