Telling Our Stories – A Retreat for Episcopal Youth Workers

September 25, 2012 - September 28, 2012
West Park NY 12493

Led by Jennifer Gamber

Tuesday, September 25 to Friday, September 28

This 6th annual retreat for youth workers, led by singer-songwriter Fran McKendree and author Jenifer Gamber, will provide a place for youth workers to find spiritual rest and nourishment within the fixed-hour Benedictine daily prayer.

This year we will explore salvation history as recounted in the Bible, our sacred stories, through a variety methods. What does this mean for the lives of the youth we serve? How can we make these stories come alive in our ministries? Special guest, Sharon Pearson, Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing, will join us for an afternoon to review and discuss resources for youth ministry. Brother Julian Mizelle will also work with us again regarding the monastic prayer tradition.

Cost: $335, deposit: $80

Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Youth Ministry