Eastern Christian Spirituality

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Eastern Christian Spirituality (Weeklong Format; 1213-38) John P. Burgess, James Henry Snowden Professor of Systematic Theology, PTS Much of North American Protestantism has lost a sense of God’s holiness breaking into the world among us. In this course, we will explore how Eastern Christianity (Orthodoxy) can help North American Protestants come to a deeper …
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Rome and Italian Pilgrimage Sites

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  June 18 – 27 / Rome and Italian Pilgrimage Sites / A Spiritual Formation Pilgrimage / Rebecca Cole-Turner

Spiritual and Emotional Growth Throughout Life

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Spiritual and Emotional Growth Throughout Life (1213-35) Summer Leadership Conference Amy Hollingsworth, Psychologist, College Professor, and Author of The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers, along with other presenters Now in its 73rd year, this annual conference provides spiritual enrichment and growth both for clergy and church members. It seeks especially to provide insights and …
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Developmental Perspectives on Children and Spirituality: Insights for the Whole Life Cycle

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Developmental Perspectives on Children and Spirituality: Insights for the Whole Life Cycle (1213-36) Amy Hollingsworth, Psychologist, College Professor, and Author of The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers; along with other presenters Fred Rogers opened many eyes to the possibilities of guiding children in their early years to grow emotionally and socially. At the core …
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Immersion Weekend Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Immersion Weekend Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life (1213-33) Mary Lynn Callahan, Interim Director of Spiritual Life Ministries, East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Spiritual Director; with presentations by various PTS faculty This is the foundational course in the Spiritual Formation Certificate program. It consists of readings and lectures, discussion in …
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The J. Hubert Henderson Conference

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

   The J. Hubert Henderson Conference (1213-32) Honoring Thomas F. Torrance: Reflections on Church and Ministry   David Fergusson, Professor of Divinity, Principal of New College, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland; Kathryn Tanner, Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn.; and Iain R. Torrance, President of Princeton Theological Seminary and Professor of …
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Redeeming Conflict

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Redeeming Conflict (1213-29) A Broadcast Program M. Craig Barnes, Robert Meneilly Professor of Leadership and Ministry, PTS, and Pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church Every leader of a congregation eventually enters into conflict. None of us enjoy this, but the Bible does not present conflict as something to be avoided. In fact, Jesus started most …
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The Albright-Deering Lecture in Methodist Studies

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  Wesley and Welcoming the Stranger Amy G. Oden, Dean and Professor of the History of Christianity, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. / Wed., April 24, 2013 / 2:00 and 3:45 p.m. / Free and open to the public. No registration necessary.