Spiritual and Emotional Growth Throughout Life

June 9, 2013 - June 12, 2013
PittsburghPA 15206


Spiritual and Emotional Growth Throughout Life (1213-35)

Summer Leadership Conference

Amy Hollingsworth, Psychologist, College Professor, and Author of The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers, along with other presenters

Now in its 73rd year, this annual conference provides spiritual enrichment and growth both for clergy and church members. It seeks especially to provide insights and ideas for them to carry back home to strengthen their own congregations. This year, the first day of the conference will focus on Mr. Rogers, children, and spirituality and will provide continuing education credits for psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family counselors. / Sun., June 9, 7:00 p.m.–Wed., June 12, 5:00 p.m., 2013 / Detailed schedule available in January 2013 / 1.8 CEUs