Individually Directed Retreats Tuesday, December 6 to Sunday, December 11 * Limited Registration * Check-in by 2 p.m. * Written contribution required in advance Spending time in prayer and silence is a classic way to deepen your spiritual life and to enhance your experience of Advent. Participants will meet each day with a Spiritual Director …
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Advent Retreat
Advent Retreat Friday, December 2 to Sunday, December 4 Led by Br. James & Rev. Suzanne Guthrie * Silent Darkness and light, endings and beginnings, longing and fullfillment. These are the themes of Advent; and we will weave them together through reflection, silence, music and story, to help you prepare for the living of the …
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The Depth of Our Longing: Advent Yoga Silent Retreat
The Depth of Our Longing: Advent Yoga Silent Retreat Friday, November 25 to Sunday, November 27 Led by Carolyn Bluemele Isaiah gives full expression to our deep longing for God that arises when we are sensitive to the troubles of the world and our lives. He calls out: “O that you would tear open the …
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Directed Prayer Weekends
Directed Prayer Weekends December 2-4, 2011 2011-$255 Cdn – Residential $155 Cdn – Commuter For more information please visit the website.
Male Spirituality Circle
Male Spirituality Circle Five Oaks offers this judgment free, life-affirming event for courageous men of spirit to explore relationships, spiritual issues and ultimately themselves through the sharing of conversation, song, stories and poetry in a sacred trust circle, with lots of free time for naps, personal reflection, hikes, reading and enjoying each other’s company. The …
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Advent Retreat Day 2011
Advent Retreat Day 2011 As we enter the Advent season, a time of active waiting, anticipation and hope, pause for a day of centering and quiet reflection, away from pressures of the season. Karen MacLeod-Wilkie will guide us, using prayer, reflection, music and worship. Known for her creative leadership in worship, Karen is a United …
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Health and Wholeness Retreats
Health Health & Wholeness All of the Mandala Center’s work seeks to reflect the light of the one indivisible reality. Yet, our ordinary consciousness seems to submit that light to a prism, and to see it only as three primary colors: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The Center’s Health and Wholeness programs are designed to help …
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Spiritual Development Retreats
Spiritual Spiritual Development The Mandala Center wants to acquaint people with the strength and peace available by entering into a greater awareness of the spiritual life through meditation and contemplation. This practice has positive effects on the body, mind, and spirit. New possibilities and new ways of looking at life are opened up. One’s spiritual …
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