This course is the second part of the foundational course in Christian theology. This second half of the course is focused on Anglican ecclesiology in particular. Starting from the consideration of the nature of Church, we explore what it means to know the Triune God in the mission and through our ministry the sacraments, and …
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Liturgical Theology
When asked about a shared theology, Episcopalians often reply, “Look in our Book of Common Prayer. Or, better yet, come pray with us!” At the root of this response is liturgical theology, the understanding that the liturgy is a source of our theology. In this course, we will explore the question, “What is liturgical theology?” …
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Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) Degree Program
Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) The Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) is a two-year part-time graduate program designed for working professionals who wish to lead social change toward justice. Students will be introduced to the ways the Bible, history, theology, and practical theology can make a meaningful …
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Paul the Apostle
The Apostle Paul was both a controversial and a pivotal figure in the early history of Christianity. He wasn’t an apostle to most of the others in the movement, even though he took pains to call himself one. Neither was Paul a Christian – a category that didn’t even exist yet. He was a Jew. …
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Systematic Theology II
Systematic Theology II is an introductory course that will expose you to the foundations of Christian theology through an overview of history and a deeper engagement with contemporary (constructive) Christian theologies. To critically engage theology in a meaningful and relevant way, this course will present perspectives from traditional Lutheran theology and contemporary global Christian theologies, …
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Diaconal Theology and Practice
This course is an introduction to the diaconate, what it is and what roles it fulfils. Since the publication of Baptism, Eucharist And Ministry in 1982, the Western church has been developing its understanding of diaconal ministers and their part in the life of the church. Lutherans and Anglicans have done much of this work …
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Course Listings and Programs
All current programs and all upcoming courses should be listed on the web page indicated here.
Theology II
This course will take up the Christian doctrinal themes of Soteriology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology in a description of the accomplishment, application, and actualization of redemption. It is concerned with showing the relevance and process of redemption in the present context and pointing forward to the completion of redemption at the eschaton. It will be …
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Seminar: Traditions and Practices of Prayer
In the fourth century Evagrius of Pontus said, “A theologian is one who prays and one who prays is a theologian.” This is a central concern of spiritual theology, and this seminar provides an opportunity for us to reflect on this aspect of the faith we confess and practice. Our goal is to deepen our …
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Advanced New Testament Exegesis
This course builds on the exegetical methods established in BIBL 503, using Paul’s epistle to the Philippians as a living lab for further exposure to the methods and tools of New Testament exegesis, particularly those tools and methods relevant to the study of New Testament letters. In the course of study, we want not only …
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