Small Group Ministry: Leadership Development for Facilitators. How to create and maintain small groups

Virginia Theological Seminary

Now more than ever, small groups are a cornerstone of the church. In the first few hundred years of the church, small groups were the way in which the church gathered and disciples were formed. People would meet in homes for fellowship, share how they connected scripture to their lives, and grow spiritually with one …
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Multivocational Ministry Toolkit

New Leaf Network

Ministry contexts in Canada are complex and changing. There are many ministers who are creatively combining several roles within a complex vocational calling that includes ministry beyond the congregational setting or vocations other than pastoral ministry. The Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project conducted research with people ministering in these contexts, and we are happy to share …
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Soul Care Retreats for Frontline Workers

New Leaf Network

Give yourself permission to pause and rest to restore. “A life without a quiet centre easily becomes delusional.”— Henri Nouwen “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes”— Anne Lamott “We don’t become more spiritual by becoming less human.”— Eugene Peterson “Be still and know that I am God.”— Psalm …
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Flourishing as the Canadian Church

New Leaf Network

What does it look like for congregations here in Canada to flourish? How do you identify transformation, define what it means for a community of faith and look for continued indicators of health and effectiveness? Using Canadian-based social science research from over 250 Canadian Catholic, mainline, and conservative Protestant congregations (including over 9100 congregants), the …
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What We Believe: Anglican Theology

Church Divinity School Of The Pacific (The)

It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Theology of the Cross

Church Divinity School Of The Pacific (The)

This course examines the complex phenomenon of the cross in Christian theological language, particularly around issues of salvation, justice, and discipleship. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will construct a theological proposal that answers: Is the Cross Redeemable? That is, does one need the cross for a succinct and sufficient theological language? Is …
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Practical Preaching in the Digital Age

Church Divinity School Of The Pacific (The)

This course is about how to rethink the basics of reflecting the Gospel into others’ lives. Students will gain practical skills – and a specific method – to build sermons that work from both the pulpit and the smartphone. They will also be led through the ways that Digital Ministry has impacted traditional liturgy, and …
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Introduction to Pastoral Care

Church Divinity School Of The Pacific (The)

Illness is a crisis that isolates us, scares us and makes us very vulnerable. How can we care for one another in Christian community when illness strikes? In this course we’ll share experiences of care (or lack of care) during sickness. We will discuss a pastoral caregiver’s role in direct care and in coaching congregational …
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The Diaconal Hermeneutic: The Deacon’s Eyes and Ears

Church Divinity School Of The Pacific (The)

As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
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