Virginia Theological Seminary has a series of “always available” courses available at the link provided. Here is what they say about them: “Lifelong Learning provides continuous opportunities for theological education in the service of faithful leadership. It is for the committed and the curious, lay and clergy eager to claim and explore their Christian vocations …
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Biblical Theology of Suffering & Hope
Suffering is experienced both individually and in communities all over the world. How does Scripture help us to understand the nature of suffering and how to respond to suffering? How is the Christian hope understood in light of suffering? This course will explore how Scripture addresses these questions. Examining the powerful message of the Old …
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Calvin Symposium on Worship 2023
Join the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship for worship and learning together around topics connected to Christian public worship. This ecumenical conference will gather together worshipers from across Canada, the US, and beyond bring together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, …
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An up-to-date Course Listing for Ambrose University
Follow the link provided to find a listing of courses being offered this term and in upcoming ones.
LIVING WORD, LIVING WAY–6-session online course led by Patience Robbins
Join leader Patience Robbins as she guides you through the use of lectio divina, walking meditation, the practice of gratitude, and intercessory prayers. Would you like to open more fully to God in your daily life? Do you wish to develop or deepen a consistent spiritual practice? Are you looking to connect with authentic spiritual …
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Visual Journaling Online
An online arts and spirituality series with Jesse White Do you love journaling and want to integrate visual art with your words? We will invite Spirit’s guidance as we learn arts techniques to complement our written words. This fun and exploratory experience is meant to meet you where you are with regards to journaling and …
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Dementia and Spirituality: Loss, Love, and Navigating Change Together
With Jane Kuepfer, RP, PhD, MDiv, Schlegel Specialist in Spirituality and Aging with the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging and Conrad Grebel University College. Kuepfer is a spiritual director, an ordained minister, a registered psychotherapist, and serves as a spiritual care provider in a retirement home, alongside her teaching and research roles. Within 10 years …
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Spiritual Practices
Spiritual Practices for Today provides an experiential introduction to classical Christian spiritual disciplines that nurture intimacy with God. Becoming familiar with some of Christianity’s rich spiritual traditions, and through personal experimentation with various classical prayer-forms and disciplines, students will be better equipped to develop a prayerful Rule of Life. Because significant components of this course …
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The Art of Death and Theology of Hope
Can art prepare Christians to face death with hope? In this course, we will identify key works of art and theological texts that depict suffering and death, exploring how they grapple with these realities, and come to appreciate how art may spiritually form us towards Christian hope. Artistic reflections will centre on paintings, medieval woodcuts, …
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Marc Chagall Paints the Bible
Presenter: Fr. Craig E. Morrison, O.Carm. Born into poverty in Belarus, Marc Chagall endured a most turbulent time with the violent collapse of czarist Russia and two world wars. In 1941, he and his wife, Bella, fled for their lives to New York escaping the Shoah while carrying with them the White Crucifixion (a Chagall …
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