Donna Schaper

Writing is hard enough without worrying about rejection or about whether anybody cares what you said. In this course you will minor in writing prose that garners attention and major in marketing it. Marketing is often a dirty word to the spiritual or artistic writer. It can be more than clean if you understand its why. Why market words? To improve the beauty and intefrity of literature and life. To create multiple centers of power and authority. To ban the censor from the door. To have fun. To clarify yourself to yourself in such a way as to let the light shine in. In eash session of this organically designed, custom-designed course, we will delve the why on behalf of the how. You will learn how to get published. We will work from you and your particularities out, not from a general syllabus in.
Donna Schaper is senior minister of Judson Memorial Church, has written 34 books and has a column in The Poughkeepsie Journal called City Mouse and Country Mouse, which explains herself to herself. She also grows a good tomato.
Cost $375 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.