Places We Never Expected to Go: Being with Vicissitudes
$775 (scholarships available)
Begins: 6 p.m. Monday, July 22, 2019
Ends: 1 p.m. Saturday, July 27, 2019
In this year’s Wisdom School, we will draw upon wisdom teachings from Judeo-Christian and Buddhist traditions and explore practices for “being-with” rather than bypassing the vicissitudes in our lives. We will also learn small-group practices for “being with one another” during difficult times.
Paradoxically, the spiritual life may be more, rather than less difficult, imploring us to investigate the inevitable difficulties, disappointments, and disruptions in our lives. Our shared spiritual inquiry during retreat will prepare us to face suffering as a mental, emotional, and spiritual reality, thus allowing for the fullest expression of divine and human life in our daily lived experience. Somehow, in the passing away, we find full life.
Each day on retreat will consist of retreat-leader teachings, periods of sitting and walking meditation, contemplative creative art activities, and contemplative conversations in small groups. We will carry light and joyful hearts as we engage our deep work.
Register for this retreat.
Offered by Diane Millis, Ph.D, Rev. Bussho Lahn, Christine Luna Munger, Ph.D
Rev. Bussho Lahn first came to Zen Buddhism in 1993, was ordained in 2009, and became a full priest in 2015. Bussho is a trained spiritual director, connecting with and mentoring those who wish to deepen an intentional and contemplative spiritual life. He explores the connection between spirituality and psychology. He is active in both the recovery and Christian contemplative communities, teaching and leading retreats and overseas pilgrimages through the Episcopal House of Prayer and the Aslan Institute.
Diane M. Millis, Ph D loves to help people explore their stories through spiritual direction, retreats, workshops, and the courses she teaches. Diane’s recent book, Re-Creating a Life: Learning How to Tell Our Most Life-Giving Story, offers guidance and encouragement for mining the meaning in our most challenging life experiences. She currently teaches at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.
Christine Luna Munger, Ph D currently serves as the Director of the Episcopal House of Prayer. She served as Coordinator & Professional Professor of Theology for the Spiritual Direction Certificate in the graduate department of Theology at St. Catherine University from 2012-2018. Christine has published resources for spiritual direction for Spiritual Directors International (SDI), including the Comparison of Helping Relationships chart, a brochure–What to Expect in Christian Spiritual Direction, two SDI Learns from…videos, and an article—Five Ordinary Movements in Spiritual Direction. Christine is a wife and mother of two youngchildren. She is bilingual (English & Spanish) and enjoys all forms of dance and being outdoors.