Winter Term 2012

January 10, 2012 - March 14, 2012


Mondays, 10 January – 14 March 2012

7:30 pm to 8:20 pm

G. Should Christians be Pacifists?

Dennis Gruending, Author & former MP; Anne Wieler. O.C.

This course explores the history, theology and lived examples of pacifism and non-violence. Given the tragic human, financial and environmental costs of pervasive militarism, we highlight examples of peace-seeking alternatives in our global and local communities. The course features a combined lecture-discussion format, with ample time for moderated conversations.

H. Jesus Christ: A Life (the Synoptics)

Rev. Stanley J.T. Hanna, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Aylmer

While on R&R with his disciples at a beach resort, they laughed around the fire at what people were saying about him. Then he asked the question, “Who do you say that I am?”. Two who were there wrote out their answers. Another, who came along later, also responded. Let’s explore those responses.

I. Charismatic Movements in Faith Traditions

Jonathan Wouk, Jewish Scholar

Charismatic movements are a supplement or alternative in all faith traditions, but in the Abrahamic faiths they are largely esoteric. Is there a place for charismatic practice in your faith community? Hear presentations about a few and engage in exercises that can form the basis for a personal or communal practice.

8:40 pm to 9:30 pm

J. Sacred Concert Music

Rev. Canon Jim Beall, Anglican Priest

Most people associate “Sacred music” with music in Church Services: Hymns, Psalms, Anthems. However, many Oratorios, Masses, Cantatas, even a few Operas never were, or are no longer, performed in worship. We will listen to some of these sacred works, and consider how, despite their secular setting, they can enrich our Faith.

K. Stewardship = Partnership

Rev. Glen Stoudt, Orleans United Church

As those created in God’s image, we explore the sacred invitation to strive together as full partners with God in caring for this earth, its inhabitants and resources. We study the biblical, theological and practical implications of living faithfully as “stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (1 Peter 4:10)

L. Looking at Aboriginal Spirituality through Christian Eyes

Blake Wright, Consultant, Department of Justice

For too long, Aboriginal Spirituality has been ignored or misunderstood by most people. This course examines it from a Christian perspective, exploring parallel themes and common theological concepts. As well, we will look at Aboriginal and Christian practices that have culturally crossed over and influenced each respective tradition.


Structure: 10 weeks of classes per term; 50-minute class with a 20-minute coffee break

Location: All Saints’ Anglican Church, 347 Richmond Road, west of Churchill Ave.

Transportation: OC Transpo bus routes #2 and #18

Facilities: Free parking on Madison behind church. Wheelchair accessible.

Information: Pat Trites (613-824-8780), Flora Crombie (613-834-0152).

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Music