Wild Christ, Wild Earth, Wild Self: A Nature Based Introduction to Seminary of the Wild Guest Speaker: Mirabai Starr

June 21, 2020 - June 26, 2020
Price: $650.00 - $1,285.00
280 Private Drive 1708

Wild Christ, Wild Earth, Wild Self.  An introduction to Seminary of the Wild Guest Speaker: Mirabai Starr

Remember your deep belonging to the enchanted world by reconnecting with your senses, body, emotions, imagination, and Earth as sacred kin.

Deconstruct the distortions of domestication and indoctrination that have limited your personal and the church’s collective experience of an earth-based, incarnated vision of Christ.

Re-claim your own prophetic voice as an authentic leader engaged in preserving and participating with Earth, re-imagining and reforming culture, and rediscovering a Wilder version of your own Self and of Christ.

During pivotal times throughout Judeo-Christian history, spiritual leaders, from Moses to Jesus, were called into an intimate encounter with the wilderness. We live in one of these crucial times. The ecological and societal unraveling that define our times call us out of our culture’s ways of separation and dominance, into a deeper, more kindred, and reciprocal relationship of interBeing. We need the revelation of the wilderness.

The founding guides of Seminary of the Wild will lead this nature-based experiential program, inviting you to encounter the wild and the sacred within yourself and on the land. Their special Guest Speaker, Wild Mercy advocate, Mirabai Starr, will focus her message on the “Feminine Web of interBeing,” weaving the wisdom of women mystics into the mystery of our own inter-connection with All That Is.

The week is primarily experiential, with daily invitations to solo wanders among the ancient rock canyons, shimmering streams, and wild inhabitants of the el Rito del Yeso creek that flows to the Rio Chama. Accompanying our wanders will be other invitations and practices, including wild teachings, small group councils, embodied movement, imaginal journeys, creative expression, journaling as well as deepening rituals and ceremonies. This journey will rewild your mind and body and allow you to move more deeply into your heart as you listen for the voice of the Holy speaking your name.

Seminary of the Wild is a seminary in the original meaning of the word: a wild seedbed. Seminal, like the potent creative force that calls forth life out of nothing. This experiential workshop invites all who sense a calling from the Earth, the Spirit, and their own souls to question the boundaries that limit us as a culture, a church and as a leader and to reimagine our own unique roles in the transformation.

Categories: Leadership  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Workshops