Nov 27 – Nov 27, 2013 Wed 10:00 AM – Wed 4:00 PM $50.00

God’s delight revealed in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of time, to gather up all things in Christ,
things in heaven and things on earth.’ Eph. 1:8-10
It can be a challenge to withstand the busyness and excesses of the pre-holiday period, in order to enter fully into the celebration of a holy day at the heart of the Christian faith. This day away offers the opportunity to reflect, to be opened to the Spirit of anticipation and longing, and to gain a new appreciation of waiting time. We are only able to receive or understand the gift of incarnation when we are truly ready, willing and open to embrace it. Come, gather with friends for a quiet day apart as we embrace the fullness of time.
Registration in this retreat provides access to the ongoing online Advent program, offered by Maritime Conference.
Program Cost: $50 ($30.50 tuition + $18.50 meals) Registration includes ongoing online Advent program by Maritime Conference.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Janice MacLean
Janice MacLean is the Maritime Conference Minister for Christian Nurture and Enrichment, and an accredited Godly Play Teacher.