Weekend Guided Retreat 2015: Listen to Your Life

September 25, 2015 - September 27, 2015
Toronto ON

Weekend Guided Retreat 2015: Listen to Your Life

Listen to Your Life

Frederick Buechner has said that “listening to your life” allows you to “see it for the fathomless mystery that it is.”

Spend a weekend listening to your life through the lens of the seasons of the soul: Hopes (Advent anticipation), Births (Christmas fulfillment), Journeying and Mission (Epiphany and Pentecost), Suffering (Lenten testing), and experiences of Resurrection (Easter moments).

After each meditation is presented, there will be time for private reflection and small-group sharing.

Led by The Reverend Sherman Hesselgrave, Incumbent of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Square, Toronto. A priest and musician, he spent his childhood in East Africa, where his parents were Lutheran missionaries. He had begun a career as an academic music librarian when he was called to ordination.

  • Friday, September 25 – Sunday, September 27, 2015
  • Arrivals and registration 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday.
  • Fee $220; deposit $50.
  • Registrations must be RECEIVED by September 19, 2015
  • Registration here »
Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality