Located two miles from the main campus, Casa del Sol is a retreat house at Ghost Ranch dedicated to deeper spiritual contemplation. In 2013 many workshops which are conducive to small group work and contemplative space are being held at Casa del Sol. These workshops are designated with the sun symbol beside the title throughout workshop description pages.
Before creeds and the churches were formalized the early followers of Jesus were called the People of the Way (Acts 9). The communities formed in the first 3 generations of the Apostles and their descendants were shaped by their far-flung, diverse experiences, and their writings (some of which are not even in our New Testament), yet all give testimony to the creative power of this new movement. How do we regain this sense of journey? How do we reclaim the Sacred as all-encompassing in the midst of competing dualisms?
Together we will practice Walking in the Sacred Way as (1) through study, conversation, and journaling we revisit Paul the mystical visionary, Matthew’s vision of the new covenant, John’s cosmic advocacy, the unitive wisdom of Mary Magdalene; (2) as we enter contemplative prayer with The Presence in the Tent of Meeting, guided phrase by phrase the Lord’s Prayer, asking again as the early followers, “Teach us to pray”; and (3) as we spend solitary time in the luminous landscape of Ghost Ranch, practicing “walking the sacred way.” A recommended reading list and workbook will be provided.

Need more info? Call us at (505) 685 – 4333 ext 4152
Two ways to register:
- Download printable registration form and mail to: Ghost Ranch Registrar, HC77 Box 11, Abiquiu, NM 87510. OR scan and email your completed form to: [email protected]
- Register by telephone at 877-804-4678, extension 4152 or 4155 — available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. MST.
Online Registration will be available December 10, 2012