Waiting with St. Joseph: An Advent Retreat for Men

December 7, 2018 - December 9, 2018
West Park, NY

Waiting with St. Joseph: An Advent Retreat for Men

Led By: Br. Aidan Owen, OHC

Fee: $300; Deposit $100

Friday, December 7 – Sunday, December 9

While we join our prayers to Mary the Godbearer as we await the coming of Jesus at Christmas, we often overlook Joseph, her spouse. In this retreat we will explore the wisdom of this silent witness to the Incarnation, particularly as it may inform the way we, as men of faith, respond to the urge to nurture the life of Christ in ourselves and the world around us. With Joseph we will pay particular attention to our dreams and to the generative and nurturing dimensions of male spirituality. We will look at ourselves as sons, fathers, lovers, spouses, brothers, and friends, and seek ways to draw on the energy of the male divine in ways that are neither dominating nor oppressive. Retreat talks will draw on scripture and offer plenty of space for silence and sharing from deep places in the company of other men. All male-identified people are warmly welcome.


Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction