Waiting on the Spirit
Nov 27-29, 2015
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The season of Advent invites us to slow down and enter a period of expectant waiting. Many Western Christians observe Advent liturgically as a season of preparation for Christ’s return. Early Friends sought to experience the birth of Christ on a daily basis, to watch for the Light in perceptible and imperceptible ways. How can we prepare ourselves to continually welcome and receive the Spirit not only in this time of Advent but throughout the year in the press of everyday life? Worship, devotional reading, music, deep listening, and sharing fellowship will help us focus both our intention and attention during this set aside time.
Deborah Shaw is assistant director of Friends Center and director of the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College. She is a recorded minister of Friendship Meeting in Greensboro (NC), North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative). Deborah served that yearly meeting and the Pendle Hill Board as clerk.
John Meyer is education coordinator at Pendle Hill and serves on the Committee for Nurturing Ministries for Friends General Conference. Identifying as a universalist Quaker, he finds the season of Advent, with its shorter, colder days, as an opportunity to slow down and reflect on how the Seed is at work in gestation.
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