October 30 @ 8:00 pm – November 1 @ 1:00 pm
| $125
Praying the good, the bad and the ugly
Facilitated by Greg Kennedy, SJ & Matthew Hendzel, SJ
There’s something liberating in letting God have it, all of it, whatever you are currently suffering or celebrating. The Hebrew psalms are a kind of license to free speech that holds no authentic emotion back. Their frankness, force and forthrightness display a deep trust in God’s abiding friendship and power. They show that the best prayer need not be neat and pretty, but only truthful.
In this weekend retreat, we will explore some of the historical context and emotional content of the psalms, then how to make them real in our own milieu today, with its particular injustices, ecological breakdowns and viral outbreaks. Greg will use his recent book, Reupholstered Psalms, as material for prayer and instruction on how to make the psalms fruitfully your own.
The retreat consists of recorded videos, plus optional, spiritual direction and group sharing. Price includes a shipped copy of Reupholstered Psalms within Canada.
Please note that space is limited so register early. Deadline to register is October 23.