VIRTUAL – Finding God in All Things – Weekend Retreat

October 16, 2020 - October 18, 2020
October 16 @ 8:00 pm - October 18 @ 1:00 pm

October 16 @ 8:00 pmOctober 18 @ 1:00 pm

| $125

A Retreat on Praying through Photography

Facilitated by Matthew Hendzel, SJ

With the help of modern technology, everyone has become a photographer these days…but can we allow these new-found talents to become an act of prayer? Often when we step outside, we choose to see the things we think are important, and will sometimes take a picture of it as a reminder; but other times, certain things choose us. Whether it’s a peculiar cloud in the sky, an animal that crosses our path, the colour of the leaves, or a landscape unfolding before us, sometimes the things we end up seeing have the power to speak to our spirit and express how we’re feeling in ways words cannot. Can we become more adept at noticing and capturing those moments, too?

This virtual thematic weekend retreat will explore that question by offering participants a chance to attentively explore the world around them and see where and how God might be reaching out to them in the midst of their surroundings. After being offered some reflections for the day and points for prayer, each retreatant will be invited to venture outside – whether its across town or in their own backyard – and use their camera to photograph things that they feel are speaking to them spiritually. Retreatants will meet online (Zoom) to share their pictures virtually within a larger group, and will be offered the option to meet individually with a spiritual director.

Requirements: A camera of any kind that is able to take and email pictures. No actual photography experience necessary.

Please note that space is limited so register early. Deadline to register is October 9.