Trinity Institute: Listen for a Change

January 21, 2016 - January 23, 2016
New YorkN.Y.

Trinity Institute: Listen for a Change

An annual theological conference

January 21-23, 2016

Racial justice is a matter of life or death; we can’t afford to stay silent and tacitly accept the (mostly) invisible systems that support inequalities, create suffering, and deny human dignity. Rather, we need to have an open dialogue—a process that starts with listening.
TI2016 recognizes that many of us avoid conversations about race because they’re difficult, uncomfortable, or could risk being perceived as prejudiced. The conversations in TI2016 will be learning opportunities: chances to talk skillfully about charged issues with people who might have differing perspectives, with less apprehension. These life-giving conversations will teach us more about the racial issues of our time, including structural racism, mass incarceration, and policy change.
In the words of theologian Gustavo Gutièrrez, “All injustice is a breach with God.” TI2016 brings action-oriented theologians and thought leaders together to provide better understanding, inspiration, and ideas you can use in your community to make a positive impact.
Categories: Institutes  |  Social Justice  |  Theology