Even though the body is in fact tremendously resilient, feeling stress for too long, whether for hours, days or months, sets off your body’s warning system of physical and emotional alarms and creates overload: your creativity and clarity decline, and you feel disconnected with yourself. These alarms can be experienced as exhaustion, aches and pains, feeling out of control, crankiness, anxiousness, feeling overwhelmed, ungrounded and non-present. Everyone reacts to stress differently, but one thing we know for sure is that the warning signs of stress are not anything to take lightly or ignore. Everyone has stress; what you do with it makes the difference in how much happiness, joy and contentment you experience in life.
This weekend you will be introduced to a number of innovative and effective take home tools and practices to help bring your body, mind and emotions back into natural balance. You will learn and practice on the spot tools and measures that have long term effect such as TRE© – Tension Release Exercises. TRE© uses simple exercises to release stress or tension from the body by accessing the body’s natural wired-in relaxation response. TRE© is rooted in neurobiology, and once learned, the six exercises are easy to continue practising on your own. TRE© technique then becomes a quick and effective method for consistent relaxation and resiliency. Other tools include Balancing your Mind for peace of mind, Heart Math to overcome automatic stress responses, and shifting your adrenaline addiction patterns such as worry, drama and busy-ness.
You will leave the weekend empowered with tools and a plan to transform your physiology of stress into the physiology of resilience, increased energy and clarity of mind and emotional flexibility.
Program Cost: $420 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $340 (without overnight)
We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Joan McDonald
Joan McDonald is a registered social worker (RSW), TRE trainer and experienced counselor and consultant. Joan has completed the course work in a five year professional training program in Bioenergetic Analysis and is a trainee with the Atlantic Canada Society for Bioenergetic Analysis and the International Bioenergetic Society. She teaches TRE, Tension/Trauma Releases Exercises, and is one of two Trainers in Canada. She recently accompanied Dr. David Berceli, founder of TRE, in offering TRE in South Africa, and in Japan with Tsunami survivors. She lives part time in Thailand and the other part of the year in Prince Edward Island.
Joan, a gifted teacher and mentor, has been an educator for twenty five years in a community college system, and a learning consultant in the public sector. She is a highly respected consultant working in health and human service organizations where employees are experiencing a high degree of stress, dysfunction and trauma. She combines her deep understanding of the body/mind connection with her intuitive inter-personal skills and knowledge of adult learning principles to create powerful learning and growth experiences.
People Joan has coached or facilitated say they feel liberated by her approach that is grounded in a deep regard and respect for everyone’s capacity to grow and evolve. Joan builds on people’s inherent capacity and fosters their transition all the way to results they desire.
Jackie McVicar
Jackie McVicar is an adult educator who works part of the year in Guatemala, as Coordinator of the Breaking The Silence Guatemala-Maritimes Network. Breaking The Silence is a partner with Tatamagouche Centre and supports International Human Rights Accompaniers and works with Indigenous community-based groups in Guatemala. She is interested in emancipatory transformational learning and how healing is a tool for political empowerment. She is inspired by the world-wide struggle of indigenous peoples and all peoples working for autonomy and life. She has studied adult education and community development and worked with youth and young adults.