August 4-8, 2014 Transforming Conflict from the Inside Out: Compassionate Communication in the Church Congregational Care
In this intensive workshop, participants will learn the skills of compassionate communication (also called nonviolent communication) as means of connecting to God, self, and others in the midst of interpersonal conflict.
A participant in the course last year said “I would rate this course a 10 out of 10 for meeting my needs for greater learning.”
Through a five-day immersion in a community of Christian leaders, you will learn how to:
- Express yourself so that you will be heard more fully;
- Transform criticism into opportunities for mutual understanding;
- Stay in dialogue in the midst of difference and disagreement;
- Experience deeper self-connection, inner peace and self-care;
- Heal pain from unresolved conflict, guilt and shame;
- Build authentic community based on honest expression and empathic listening.
Group Rate $400 per person when 2 or more members of the same church or organization register at the same.
**Graduate Credit Available**
Graduate Credit: Available
Graduate Credit Advisor: David Lose, Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching, Luther Seminary
Tuition: $450 Group Tuition: $400
Contact Hours: 35
Class Times: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. daily
Seminar Leaders:
- Theresa F. Latini, Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Mich.
Dr Latini has extensive training in Nonviolent Communication through the NVC Training Institute and the Center for Nonviolent Communication.