To Be or Not to Be Interdependent: Balancing Autonomy and Connection

July 29, 2017
Niagara Falls ON

To Be or Not to Be Interdependent: Balancing Autonomy and Connection


Led by Sebastian Fazzari, Ph.D.

Cost: $65 (includes lunch)


 July 29, 2017(Saturday, 9:30AM – 3:30 PM)

There are many individuals who are afraid to engage in a loving relationship because to them doing so means losing one’s freedom, independence, and identity.  In reality, research indicates that having a safe haven, through a loving relationship, provides a sense of comfort and a secure base that empowers us to venture out and explore the world even in times of crisis by knowing that compassionate others are always present to provide support.

Participants will be given the means to combat the mental habits that hinder the natural process of growth from dependence to independence to interdependence as a way of balancing autonomy and connection.

Categories: Personal Development  |  Workshops