Thinking Theologically – Confessing Publically
June 13-17, 2016 Faith and Culture
This course is now open to a limited number of Lifelong Learning participants.
What does it mean to be a public witness to Jesus Christ in a pluralistic, post-secular, consumer society? Using classical and contemporary thinkers in systematic theology, students will think critically about how and in what ways God encounters us in and through our neighbors, calling us to examine our own assumptions about who God is and what God does in law and promise. Centered in Jesus Christ crucified and risen, the course examines how justification/sanctification by faith alone turns us outward from the self through the Holy Spirit to participate in God’s work of reconciliation, justice, and peace with our neighbor and for our neighbor. Students develop their identity as Christian leaders and grow in their theological capacity to offer public leadership in a wide range of ministry settings.
Tuition: $250
Contact Hours: 32
Class Times:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: Olson Campus Center – Lecture Room
Seminar Leaders:
Amy Marga, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology