September 6, 2023 - December 6, 2023
Dates: Sep 6 - Dec 6, 2023
Days: Wed
Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AM Pacific Time
Audit and Credit Hours: 3.00
Offered by Regent College
Tuition rates for Summer 2023, Fall 2023, and Winter 2024 will be:
* $520 per credit hour registered for onsite
* $385 per audit hour registered for onsite
* $540 per credit hour registered for online
* $405 per audit hour registered for online
, BC
This course will take up the Christian doctrinal themes of Soteriology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology in a description of the accomplishment, application, and actualization of redemption. It is concerned with showing the relevance and process of redemption in the present context and pointing forward to the completion of redemption at the eschaton. It will be shown that Salvation is accomplished in the work of Christ, realized in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, and completed in the return of Christ as sovereign Lord.