The Teaching Power of Stories

September 14, 2012 - September 16, 2012


Sept 14-16, 2012

Fri 6:30 dinner thru Sun lunch

Program $415

Today, brain science is affirming what good
teachers have known all along – a story is
the best way to teach and to learn. People
use stories to make sense of the world and
their lives – their structure and nature go
hand in hand with the way our memories
and minds work. Understanding the nature
of story is central to good teaching – put
simply, a teacher is someone who gives
students stories so they can make their own.
In this workshop, participants will explore
how and why stories work as teaching
tools, and how they can be used in our life
and work, with a particular emphasis on
the spoken word. Participants will look at
traditional stories and personal experiences,
offered story prompts to jog their memories
for stories they might tell, and get practice in
sharing stories in a supportive atmosphere.
Bill will offer thoughts garnered from his
lifetime experience as a performer, workshop
leader and author, and encourage discussion
and practice with structured exercises.
People who attend should leave the weekend
with some concrete ideas about using stories
in their work, and some practical experience
with storytelling. And of course, you’ll also
have heard a lot of good stories.

Bill Harley is a storyteller, author and
songwriter has spent his life telling stories
to children and families. Honored as one
of America’s best storytellers, he has
won numerous awards, including two
Grammys, and was recently awarded the
Lifetime Achievement Award from the Rhode
Island Council on the Humanities for his
commitment to building community through
his art.

Categories: Communications  |  Workshops