“The Lord Is With Thee” An Advent Journey with Mary of Nazareth and the Angel Gabriel

December 12, 2014 - December 14, 2014
West Park NY


Friday, December 12 – Sunday, December 14, 2014

:: Led by the Rev. Gwyneth MacKenzie Murphy

In the words of Meister Eckhart,  “We are all meant to be Mothers of God, for God is Constantly needing to be born.”  As we enter into the mystery of The Annunciation to Mary, we will contemplate the Annunciation in our own lives. Entering the Silence, we listen for the Angel inviting us to bring God into the world.   Entering the Stillness, we await the movement of the Spirit within. The retreat will include time for silence and solitude as well as group prayer and reflection. – We will create our own altar:  You are invited to bring icons, prayers, bits of nature or any (small) thing which connects to or symbolizes your spiritual journey. The Rev. Gwyneth MacKenzie Murphy, Interim Pastor at St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church in Chappaqua, NY, is a retreat leader, spiritual director and sacred dancer.

Cost: $265, deposit: $80

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction