The Joe R. Engle Institute of Preaching

July 20, 2014 - July 25, 2014


The Joe R. Engle Institute of Preaching


For preachers in their first three to seven years of ministry who wish to nurture and strengthen their preaching vocation in the company of colleagues

Princeton Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the Twelfth Annual Joe R. Engle Institute of Preaching, scheduled for July 20-25, 2014


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About the Engle Institute

The Engle Institute is a weeklong continuing education event that was envisioned and made possible by the dream and generosity of Joe R. Engle, a member of the First Presbyterian Church in New York City. The institute is designed to nurture and strengthen the craft of those who preach, ideally weekly, whether in city, suburb, small town, rural community, or other specialized ministries. Engle Fellows and faculty gather for the week to participate together in the hospitality of the seminar room, the dinner table, and the chapel pew. Engle Fellows reconnect vocationally with friends as they practice the craft of preaching in the company of colleagues.



Categories: Communications  |  Institutes  |  Preaching