The Gospel of Mark

May 15, 2023 - May 19, 2023
May 15–May 19, 20223, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, 8:30AM–4:30PM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour and  $385 per audit hour, plus $20 per credit or audit hour for online access and a flat $35 registration fee.  

Mark, believed to be the earliest of the gospels, is known primarily for its brevity and simplicity–a reputation that has occasionally led to scholarly neglect. Recent scholarship, however, has come to appreciate that Mark’s deceptively straightforward approach veils a work of power and rich subtlety. Scholarly rehabilitation of Jesus’s long-ignored Jewishness and careful exploration of Markan themes reveals a remarkably high Christology–equal to anything found in John–dating back to the earliest tellings of the gospel. Join us for this careful exegetical study of Mark to gain a deeper understanding of this vital book and its significance in the modern world.

Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 3
Audit Hours 2