We gather together to connect. In our interwoven online world – we sit still for long periods.
Our bodies are meant to move, to connect; face to face, eye to eye, and heart to heart. Perhaps that is where we can find our true selves.
A poet, dancer, and visual artist, Karen Gummo has been performing as a storyteller for almost 40 years in schools, libraries, museums, churches, seniors’ lodges, and in the fields and forests. To learn more about Karen and to view a sample of her storytelling performances please visit her website: www.karengummo.com
Through gentle exercises in this week-long story series, experienced storyteller, Karen will help participants embrace the idea of using movement and stillness to discover and develop their favourite family and folk stories.
Karen will offer her own beloved stories and looks forward to hearing yours. She will lead gentle physical and artistic activities to lubricate the body, voice, and brain.
Be ready for some soothing, creative work.
Bring a treasured photograph or artifact. Wear comfortable clothing for movement.