The Celtic Knot: What Celtic Christians Can Teach Us about Life, Mission and Ministry Today

October 19, 2018 - October 21, 2018

Offered by The Rev. Jerry Doherty

Friday, October 19 – Sunday, October 21, 2018


Everything in the Celtic world is interconnected as symbolized by the Celtic Knot. The knot looks multi-faceted but is actually a circle intertwined into one entity; it is a symbol for the church. The Rev. Dr. Jerry Doherty will share how the lifestyle, sacred place, meditation, pilgrimage, and community are all vital parts of the life of the church today. There will be regular times of silent meditation reflection and prayer to reflect on this most holy time of year.

Jerry Doherty is a longtime priest in the Episcopal Church in Minnesota who currently serves as total ministry mentor at St. Luke’s, Hastings. He is the author of A Celtic Model of Ministry: The Reawakening of Community Spirituality.

Categories: Church History  |  Ministry  |  Retreats