The Bible and the Land

March 30, 2014 - April 10, 2014


The Bible and the Land


March 30 – April 10, 2014


12 days


Scriptures, according to our Christian Faith, are inspired by the Holy Spirit but not dictated in heaven. They have been written by human persons in a place and a time, even more they reflect a time in a space. The Land became a part of the Bible, the geo-topography, the fruits, the flowers, the birds, the weather, have their echo beyond the text we read…

Befriending with these realities would help to go in depth and to enjoy reading and meditating the text

This course invites the course members to enjoy the natural set used by the Lord to teach the crowd and the disciples. Jesus insight will become more evident when the participants walk on His foot steps in Galilee, on the Jordan River and in Jerusalem

In Galilee pilgrims are invited to walk a segment of the short cut road between Nazareth and the north side of the Sea of Galilee near Magdala, the town of Mary of Magdala, or walk on the Way of the Sea between Capernaum and “Mensa Christi”(Peter’s Primacy)

In Jerusalem pilgrims are invited to walk the Kidron Valley or the steps next to the house of the High Priest or the steps, south to the Temple, leading to the temple Mount…where He walked with the disciples, or stand on the Mount of Olives

St. Jerome called this Holy Land “the fifth Gospel” where, for those who come with faith, the stones would speak to them about Him

“I was glad when they told me, let us go to the House of the Lord” Psalm 122:1

For a sample itinerary, please click here



Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Pilgrimage