Tackling Tough Texts

October 7, 2013 - October 10, 2013


Tackling Tough Texts

Price: $435.00

Date: October 7, 2013

John Bell
Oct 7-10, 2013

Just as we cannot pick and choose aspects of our nation’s history which we like, but rather have to deal with the warts as well as the wonders, so Christians as people of the Book cannot simply erase aspects of the Bible which they find unpalatable.

In this retreat we begin with noting the major differences in supposition with which Western Christians come to the Bible over against most people in history and most people elsewhere in the world today. We then will spend time with particular passages which cause concern – the stories of violence in Hebrew history, the vengeful poems in the psalms, the things Jesus and Paul said which we might prefer had gone unsaid.

Cost $435 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.

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Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Retreats