Surrendering to Silence: A Heart-Centred Practice
with Laura Madsen
We live in a consumer society – full of noise and constant distraction. Silence Practice therefore presents a challenge, as much of our life habituates around a constant agitation for external validation and pre-occupations.
The exercises in this Retreat are designed to gently support a receptive relationship with the beauty and mystery of our internal landscape. As the group priority for Deep Listening is maintained, participants are likely to encounter both their habits of resistance and their innate affinity for this ancient Christian (monastic) practice.
Psalm 46:10, “Be Still and Know that I Am God,” provides the theological blueprint for the physical, emotional, and spiritual practice of Silence throughout the week-end.
LAURA MADSEN is an urban contemplative living in Vancouver with her daughter and husband. She currently gives free introductory talks on the “Surprising Nature of Silence Practice,” and leads Silence Practice groups from the natural setting of her home (adjacent to Pacific Spirit Park) and various Retreat Centres in B.C. Experiencing ourselves through relationship to the God of Our Heart – as opposed to God as concept – has been a life-long passion for Laura. Her approach is informed by her own Yearning Heart, a life-long resonance with Holy Scriptures, and the five Silence Practice themes outlined in her 2011 Vancouver School of Theology Master’s thesis, “Surrendering to Silence: A Heart-Centred Practice.”
Participants are requested to bring:
- Warm and comfortable clothing for time outdoors.
- A journal notebook and a couple of pens
- A willingness to explore and share with others in humour and grace.
Time: Friday, Nov. 2 @ 4:30 PM (if possible) until Sunday, Nov. 4 @ 2:00 PM
Cost: Laura’s workshop fee is $150.00 (with a sliding scale option beginning at $90.00) This fee will be collected on the Friday evening of the Retreat.
Please Note: Lodging and meal arrangements are to be made with the Sorrento Centre at the time of your registration. For information or to register, call Sandra at 250-675-2421 or email [email protected]
For additional information online, see also the registration page here » / meals here » / accommodations here