Summer Stillness: A Retreat for Women

August 14, 2016 - August 18, 2016
Niagara FallsON

Summer Stillness: A Retreat for Women

Led by Kathryn McMorrow


August 14-18, 2016 (Sunday check-in before 5:30 PM dinner to Thursday after lunch)

Relax, renew and reenergize in the tranquil beauty of Mount Carmel. This year’s theme

is COME TO THE WATER. Inspired by the magnificent power and beauty of the Falls you

are invited to explore the whirlpools, rapids and quiet streams of your life as you

journey to the deep, still waters of your centre – nourished by the wisdom of the

Psalms, Gospels and mystical writings.

THIS IS NOT A SILENT RETREAT. Input sessions will be balanced by meditative

activities and periods of silence for prayer and reflection. Meals can be taken in silence

or conversation. Participants will be invited to personalize the retreat to meet their

needs. Registration is limited. For further information, e-mail questions to Kathryn at

[email protected]

REGISTRATION is through Mount Carmel (905) 356-4113, ex 4200.

Registration is limited to 18 Participants. For more information, e-mail questions to Kathryn at [email protected]



Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction