Spiritual Needs and Our Health with Bob Glasgow

July 23, 2017 - July 29, 2017
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC

Summer Week 3: July 23-29, 2017


Sunday, July 23 – Saturday, July 29, 2017

Spiritual Needs and Our Health with Bob Glasgow


WE HAVE THREE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL NEEDS, no matter our spiritual or religious background: Relatedness and Belonging; Meaning and Purpose; Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

This retreat will look at how we meet these needs and examine how they become especially important in times of suffering.

Suffering tends to make people feel alienated and alone in the world; thus, we are called to a new awareness of our need for relatedness and belonging. Suffering can pull the rug out from under our feet, the loss of meaning and purpose becoming a central reality of our lives.

How do we live with this disrupted vision for a time and then restore new directions for our future? And how much of what we learn and gain as we transcend suffering actually becomes a large part of our new life?

Suffering invariably brings awareness of our need for forgiveness and, at times, reconciliation. Repressed resentment costs us too much of the energy required to expend on our healing.

This retreat will focus on how we meet these universal spiritual needs which I believe to be through our relationship with God, and the relationship we have with ourselves and our community. We also meet those needs by developing healthy core spiritual beliefs.


BOB GLASGOW became a pastor in Edmonton in 1974 after graduation from Vanguard College. The succeeding years have seen his wife Joan complete studies in music, and Bob in chaplaincy and counselling.

After 5 years as a counsellor at the Pastoral Institute and a time of ministry at a church in Montreal, Bob became the first non-denominational chaplain of the Rockyview Hospital in Calgary (1985). This chaplaincy led to the founding of the AHS Grief Support Program. Presently, Bob offers private counselling, does training of police units and Stars Air Ambulance staff, and serves as chaplain of Wellspring Calgary (www.soulconsolation.com or www.arisemysoul.com ).

Course Fee: $320