Spiritual Journey Groups for Clergy
Many ministry personnel are recognizing the importance of grounding their spiritual leadership in a life-giving relationship with God, and awareness of the Holy in their lives. Spiritual Journey Groups for Clergy is an invitation to clergy from any denomination to recognize the importance of nurturing their faith and fostering collegial relationships in these times of uncertainty and change.
Sessions once a month will include:
- Exploring life-giving spiritual practice and prayer
- Learning a method of listening deeply to God, ourselves and others
- Receiving peer support
Additional Details:
- Register for the location of your choice (see list below) to be a part of a group of 4-10 clergy.
- The group will meet once a month for 8 months. Session will be 2.5 hours long.
- The group will be led by a trained and experienced facilitator
- Groups will covenant together to be respectful and to maintain confidentiality
Choose from the Following Locations:
Five Oaks, Paris, ON
9:30am-12:00pm on the following Mondays (starting fall 2014 and ending spring 2015):
Oct 27, Nov 24, Dec 15, Jan 19, Feb 23, Mar 23, April 20, May 25.
Facilitators: Robin McGauley and Darrow Woods.
Darrow is a graduate of the Ontario Jubilee Program, and serves on its staff. He is a spiritual director and the minister at Trinity United Church in Oakville.
Robin is an Ordained minister with the United Church who serves as Program Director at Five Oaks. She is an experienced retreat leader and spiritual practices facilitator. She will graduate from the Ontario Jubilee Program in the fall of 2014.
Orillia, ON (address TBA)
1:30pm to 4:00pm on the first Tuesday of the month (starting fall 2014 and ending spring 2015):
Nov 4, Dec 2, Jan 6, Feb 2, March 2, April 7, May 5, June 2.
Facilitator: Karen Hilfman Millson is an Authentic Connection Life Coach, Circle Facilitator and Guide as well as an ordained minister in The United Church of Canada. Throughout her ministry Karen has been passionate about creating significant conversations that tap into the gifts and vision within individuals and communities – a way of being which she calls Circle Culture.
Belle River, ON (between Chatam and Windsor)
Belle River United Church, 300 South St.
9:30am-12:00pm on the following Mondays (starting fall 2014 and ending spring 2015):
Nov 3, Dec 1, Jan 5, Feb 2, March 2, April 13, May 4, June 1
Facilitator: Ann Corbet is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada, who has been serving pastoral charges since 1992. She is excited to be embarking on a new ministry with Woodslee-Belle River Pastoral Charge beginning July 2014. Ann will complete the Jubilee Program in Spiritual Direction in the fall of 2014. The gifts she brings are the skills of deep listening, spiritual guidance and discernment, and appreciation of various spiritual practices. Ann’s passions include music, Sunday morning worship, pastoral care, swimming, and of course, her daughter.
Courtice, ON (east of Oshawa)
Faith United Church, 1778 Nash Rd.
1:00-3:30 pm on the following Mondays (starting fall 2014 and ending spring 2015):
Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1, Feb 2, March 2, April 13, May 4, June 1
Facilitator: Larry Doyle is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada. He is a graduate of the Jubilee Program in Spiritual Direction and is currently pursuing a DMin in Spirituality. Larry is passionate about music, wine, church, and resourcing people’s spiritual journeys.
London, ON
Siloam United Church, 1240 Fanshawe Park Road East
10:00am-12:30pm on the following Thursdays (starting fall 2014 and ending spring 2015):
Sept 25, Oct 23, Nov 27, Jan 22, Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 23, May 28
Facilitator: Elaine Graham is a Diaconal minister and a spiritual director who serves in ministry as the Pastoral Support Minister for London Conference.
Spiritual Journey Group for Clergy – Location: London
End: May 28, 2015 @ 12:30 PM
Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.
Spiritual Journey Group for Clergy – Location: Courtice
End: Jun 1, 2015 @ 3:30 PM
Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.
Spiritual Journey Group for Clergy – Location: Five Oaks
End: May 25, 2015 @ 12:00 PM
Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.
Spiritual Journey Group for Clergy – Location: Belle River
End: Jun 1, 2015 @ 12:00 PM
Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.
Spiritual Journey Group for Clergy – Location: Orillia
End: Jun 2, 2015 @ 4:00 PM
Registrations are processed only once we have received your payment – either a deposit or the full amount. After you fill out the online registration form you will be directed to pay through paypal. If this payment does not go through, please contact our office at 519-442-3212 to complete the registration process. You will receive a letter from our Registrar confirming your registration within the week.