Spiritual Formation

August 21, 2015 - August 24, 2015
Kelowna BC

P 103 Spiritual Formation

One course which will outline the formation of a rule of life. The course may include instruction about:

– praying a daily office;
– regular involvement in public worship;
– regular reading of scripture, meditation, and personal prayer;
– receiving personal spiritual direction on a regular basis.
– developing a personal stewardship which supports the work of the Church in the local parish, diocese, nation, and internationally

A candidate needs to demonstrate the ability and willingness to help other persons form and nurture their own spiritual growth, through support and study groups. A candidate will learn the history of spiritual formation in the church. He/she will be aware of major figures in spiritual classics through the centuries. This course will include a discussion regarding the basic skills necessary to becoming a spiritual director, so that candidates will know what training they may need if this is a ministry to which they feel called. It will also help the candidate balance her/his secular vocation, ministry and family life in a healthy way.


Spiritual Formation (P103)
August 21-24, 2015:  Location TBA
Instructor:  The Rev. Dr. Garry Schmidt
Registration Opening Soon

Categories: Courses  |  Liturgy  |  Spirituality