Spiritual Activism: Soil and Soul 2012

July 13, 2012 - July 15, 2012

Spiritual Activism: Soil and Soul 2012

Jul 13 – Jul 15, 2012

Fri 7:00 PM – Sun 1:00 PM


“My concern is not with personal salvation; my concern is with how we collectively learn to live, with one another, in community on this earth and the salvation that is inherent within that.” -Alastair McIntosh.

Alastair McIntosh, author of Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, will share his story of successful resistance to trans-national mining plans for the Hebrides, Scotland. Discover with him how to develop an engaged spirituality adequate to confronting the powers and structures of our time. Explore our own connections between community, spirit, struggle and place.

Alastair proposes that the pressing environmental issues of our time expose an underlying loss of soul that manifests as addictive consumerism. Explore why connection to the land matters, why “community of place” is deeper than most forms of “community of interest”, and why community is at heart a spiritual issue that relates to the fundamental nature of what it means to be human. Also explore strategies and approaches which give practical expression to this spiritual strength of community.

Support Leadership:

Ishbel Munro has worked with Alastair in Scotland, linking the land/resource issues in the Maritimes with Scotland and will be a resource person to this event.

Kathryn Anderson, PRG

Program Cost: $340 ($185 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations)


Alastair McIntosh

Alastair McIntosh is an Isle of Lewis-raised writer, broadcaster and campaigning academic best known for his work on land reform on the Isle of Eigg, in helping to stop the Harris superquarry; also for developing human ecology as an applied academic discipline in Scotland. His doctoral work is on liberation theology and contemporary Scottish land reform. For the past decade he has taught and presented on the spiritual basis of deep activism for social and environmental change.

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Ecology/Theology  |  Spirituality  |  Workshops